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Here is a rollicsome little puzzle for the young folks, which presents possibilities for considerable humor and originality. The mischievous boy has been teasing the elephant at the circus, when the chain which held the elephant's hind leg broke and something happened! Just what that something was is left to the imagination and artistic ability of the puzzlist.

The elephant may have sat down upon that boy, or swallowed him, or stood upon his head, or in fact done anything which occurs to you. The only stipulation is that the picture must be cut into only two pieces, which are to be fitted together so as to explain what happened in the most humorous way, and the same will be reproduced as the answer to the puzzle.

In this rollicsome picture of the elephant and the mischievous boy it was required to cut the picture into two pieces which would fit together so as to show what happened when the chain broke. The following il- lustration describes the scene very aptly:


2. Tell the North by Your Watch.


The following bit of valuable information is so closely akin to a puzzle that it is well worth giving at this season for the benefit of those who may utilize the same during their summer outings.

The incident occurred to me some years ago, but as the fact of every watch being a reliable compass is not generally known, it is worth telling. All you have got to do is to lay your watch flat in the palm of your hand, with the hour hand pointing in the direction of the sun, as shown in the accompanying sketch. The point exactly midway between the hour hand and the figure 12 will be due south.

It is well to remember, however, that during the time from six in the afternoon to six in the morning our rides gives the north point instead of the south. In the southern hemisphere the rule will be reversed.

Some years ago, while taking a walk just outside of London. I was accosted by a stranger, who asked to be directed to a certain locality. I told him I was not acquainted with the names of the streets, but that if he would walk on east he would reach the desired place. I took out my watch and figured out the proper direction, at which he expressed great surprise, so I explained the method to him. I few days later I read the following paragraph in London Truths

Every Watch a Compass.

“A few days ago I was standing by an American gentleman, when I expressed a wish to know which point was the north. He at once pulled out his watch, looked at it. And pointed to the north. I asked him whether he had a compass attached to his watch. 'All watches,' he replied, 'are compasses.' Then he explained to me how this was. (The modus operandi is explained above.) My American friend was quite surprised that I did not know this. Thinking very possibly I was ignorant of a thing that every one else knew, and happening to meet Mr. Stanley, I asked that eminent traveler whether he was aware of this simple mode of discovering the points of the compass. He said that he had never heard of it I presume, therefore, that the world is in the same state of ignorance. Amalfi is proud of having been the home of the inventor of the compass. I do not know what town boasts of my American friend as a citizen.”

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