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PROPOSITION—How would you cut this gingerbread dog’s head into two pieces of the same shape?

HERE IS A PRACTICAL problem in simple division which is calculated to baffle some of our young puzzlists for the reason that it will not yield to ordinary arithmetic. You see. Toodles has received the present of a gingerbread dog’s head and is told that she must divide the same evenly with her little brother. In her anxiety to be fair and equitable in the matter she wishes to discover some way to divide the cake into two pieces of equal shape and size.

How many of our clever puzzlists can come to her assistance by showing how the dog’s head may be divided into equal halves?

The following cut shows the way of dividing the head in two equal halves.



My first makes company,
My second shuns company,
My third assembles company,
My whole puzzles company.



Name that, which with only one eye put out has but a nose left?

A noise.


Our study in concealed geography presents two ancient and famous racers, so the problem is for our young friends to discover something about their pedigree by finding the scene of their prowess hidden in the description of the picture.


The kings of the turf lived in Alexandria.

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