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SPEAKING ABOUT labor strikes, which are occupying the public attention at present, reminds me of a war problem I thought to sketch for our juveniles the other day while passing through one of our manufacturing centers. There was a certain parade and mobilization of troops going on, which so revived my old-time patriotism and military spirit that I joined the crowd and cheered for the Union, when, to my dismay, I discovered that I was participating in a labor strike and shouting for the motormen’s union, whose members were bent upon pulling up the car tracks.

Despite my sympathy for the laboring men, I found that my enthusiasm had placed me in a false position, so I most, heartily indorsed the sentiment of a good citizen as given in the description of the picture, which it will be found conceals the locality of the incident.

The labor strike puzzle conceals the name Newark. [new war]

2. The Hounds and the Hare

As I was beating on the meadow grounds,
Up starts a hare before my two grey hounds;
The dogs, being light of foot, did fairly run,
To her fifteen rods, just twenty-one;
And the distance that she started up before,
Was six and ninety just and no more;
Now I would have you clever folks declare
How far they ran before they caught the hare?

In the problem of the hounds and the hare, the hounds gain 6 rods in every 21. They must therefore run as many times 21 as 6 will go into 96. Therefore 96 / 6 = 16. 21 x 16 = 336 rods.


Why may a beggar wear a very short, coat? Because it will be long before he gets another.


Our juvenile puzzlists are so clever in getting at the correct locality of these concealed places, that I will ask them to explain a matter which puzzled me considerably some time ago.

I had heard a certain person referred to once as “the most noted man in his State,” and, as his fame for any particular art or science had never reached me. I asked regarding his specialty, and was told that he was not looked upon as a great genius, but simply as being “noted.” I was baffled by the puzzle until it so happened that during a visit to his town I observed that strangers and friends alike were so struck by his remarkable appearance as to make him indeed the most noted man in town.

I pass the puzzle on to our young friends, and will as them to discover the locality of this noted man as concealed in the remarks which I heard upon the streets.


In the “noted” puzzle we discover “Eldorado.”

5. A Rebus

A bird select, on moorlands bred,
And carefully remove its head,
Then your admirer, Ladies see!
Cut him, and past and gone he’ll be.

Cipher Ans. 16, 12, 15, 22, 5, 18.



What is the difference between a mother with a large family and a barber? One shaves with his razors, and the other raises her shavers.

Why is a horse an anomaly in the hunting field? Because the better tempered he is the easier he takes a-fence (offense).

Which eat most grass, black sheep or white? White, because there are more of them.

When is a sailor not a sailor? When he’s aboard.

Why are persons with short memories like officeholders? Because they are always for-getting every thing.

What is that from which you may take away the whole, and yet have some left? The word whole-some.

What is a quick way to kill ants? Hit your uncle’s wife on the head with a hammer!

What, is the difference between dead soldiers and repaired garments? The former are dead men, and the latter are mended (men dead)!

Why should painters never allow children to go into their studios? Because of them easels (the measles) which are there.

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